Please read about our upcoming events below and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for being a part of Matthews Troop 46.
Annual Planning Meeting: 2/9 at 2pm Room 206 Our youth and adult leadership gather together once a year for an annual planning meeting. This is primarily geared towards our leadership teams. However, if you are interested in attending, please let me know.
Merit Badge Weekend: 2/21-23 We are headed to Congaree National Park near Hopkins, SC. We will be camping and working on Merit Badges and rank advancements. This is a great opportunity for our scouts to work towards and potentially complete the Cooking and Citizenship merit badges. There will be opportunities to also work on rank advancements.
Court of Honor / Crossover: 2/23 3-4pm The Court of Honor will start at 3pm after we return from the trip. This should give the scouts and leaders some time to freshen up prior to this very important event. Parents, siblings, friends, and family are invited and encouraged to participate in this event. We will celebrate our scouts rank advancements and achievements since our last Court of Honor. BBQ, snacks, and drinks will be provided by Troop 46 & 146 as a joint effort.
In Scouting,
Brad McLelland
Committee Chair